Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Free Arriety Doll, Dress, Boots and Hairclip

Free Arriety Doll, Dress, Boots and Hairclip

If you are from the USA, follow the steps below (ignore the parts that need a proxy and just go to the given urls normally)

If you are not from the USA, you are going to need to use a website proxy, go to: or or or
Type in the proxy URL
 and click Go/Browse

Log in to Stardoll

Go onto The StarBlog in the 'Spotlight' section or type this into the proxy URL bar:
Wait for the page to load.
Scroll and look left of the page.. you should see this:

Click on this and you will be directed to the Arrietty campaign page.

Now paste this into the proxy URL:
Wait for the page to load.
If you scroll down a bit, you should see this on the left:

Click on this and you will be directed to the Arrietty campaign page (again).

Now paste this into the proxy URL:
Wait for the page to load.
If you scroll down you should see this somewhere on the right side of the page:

Click on this and you will be directed to the Arrietty campaign page.

Now paste this into the proxy URL:
Wait for the page to load.
If you scroll down you should see this somewhere on the right side of the page:

Click on this and you will be directed to the Arrietty campaign page.
Now paste this into the proxy URL:
Wait for the page to load and on the left of the page you should see this:

Click on this and you will be directed to the Arrietty campaign page again.

You should have now found and clicked all five items.
Finally, for the doll just paste now in the proxy this:

Log out of the proxy and return to Stardoll as usual. The doll, dress and all other items should be in your suite.

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